Tova Speter

My work utilizes found wood as a conduit for an exploration of the energy found within. The grain serves as my guide on a journey into the lines, shapes, and flow of the composition of the wood. I use color to offer a glimpse into the amazing natural beauty that may otherwise remain unseen as I strive to expose that which is often overlooked. In transforming the pieces of scrap wood (that others thought as nothing more than trash) into works of art highlighting each piece’s natural greatness, I hope to share the idea that everything has an inherent beauty that will shine through when the time is taken to look at it from a new perspective.

I also look to water as a source of flow and evolving metaphor. Mixed media works are inspired by the art of suminagashi – floating ink on water, letting go of control, and appreciating each moment as fleeting and precious. All of my work stems from the idea that engaging with nature and art-making is inherently therapeutic, formative, and encouraging.

Instagram:  @tovaspeter

Medium: Mixed media works that use color to highlight natural patterns found in wood and water.

Needham Art Association, P.O. Box 322, Needham Heights, MA 02494