Art Outside

An exciting public art project to celebrate
Needham Art Association’s 75th anniversary!

Submission Deadline:  Sunday, June 23, 2024
Exhibit Dates:  September 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Art Outside will bring the art of NAA members to the public throughout the town of Needham. Submitted artwork will be reproduced on outdoor vinyl banners that will be hung on fences at eight public locations from September 2024 to June 2025. The banners will be 36” in height with artwork taking up the majority of the banner. Below is a mock-up of what the banners might look like:

Please read the submission requirements carefully since they are different from those for our other exhibits. You can contact Hilary Bruel ( with any questions.


    • Open to current (2023-24) NAA members. Please note we are NOT accepting new members at this time.
    • All work must have been done by the hand of the artist and may not violate copyright law.
    • There is a submission fee of $15 per member, and at the end of the project each artist will be given their banner.
    • Selected work will also be displayed on the Needham Art Association website, and may be featured in NAA’s Instagram and Facebook posts.

Submission Guidelines

    • Members can submit photographs of up to three pieces (2D or 3D) for consideration. It is our intention to create one banner for each member who submits. Selections will be made by the Art Outside committee. 
    • Art should be eye-catching and impactful from a distance. Please do not submit work that may be considered offensive or otherwise inappropriate for display in public locations.
    • Due to the proportions of the banners, images must be either vertical (portrait) or square in dimensions. You are welcome to provide a cropped version of your artwork to meet this requirement.

File Requirements

The files you submit must be of sufficient quality to be reproduced at a height of 30 inches. Please read the requirements carefully. You may need to re-photograph your work in order to participate.

    • Photographs should be sharp and in focus. Do not photograph your artwork through glass, and please avoid shadows and glare. 3D work should be well-lit and shot against a plain background (white preferred).
    • Image files must be a minimum of 3000 pixels in height. Your image file size should be around 5MB.
      • Please note your art must be photographed at this size. You cannot take a smaller file and simply enlarge it after the fact.
    • Files should be labeled with your last name and the title of the piece (ex: Bruel_ClarksIslandX.jpg)
    • Contact Hilary ASAP if you need assistance photographing your work.
Register for Art Outside

Note:  You will need to supply a password (given to all current NAA members) to access the registration form.


This program is supported in part by a grant from the Needham Council for Arts and Culture, a local agency which is supported by the Town of Needham and the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

Needham Art Association, P.O. Box 322, Needham Heights, MA 02494