Our History

2024:  Our 75th Year

The Needham Art Association continues to promote creating art, art education, and art appreciation at all levels. As a result of meticulous maintenance and storage of important hard copy records, the following highlights were gleaned to share the various achievements from the beginning. Currently, to protect these documents we are in the process of digitizing the records.

Our History

    • Local art enthusiasts, Dr. and Mrs. Carleton F. Whitney and Mrs. Beatrice A. Wood, gathered 15 people for the first meeting on October 25, 1949 at the Highland Avenue School. Mrs. Wood served as first President.
    • Our first Art Exhibition was held at the Town Hall on January 8, 1950.
    • The stated purpose of the Association was to promote and encourage an interest in painting, art appreciation, and art instruction for all age groups, indoor and outdoor sketching, and exhibitions of painting and sculpture.
    • Over the decades, as the Association membership grew, new features such as demonstrations, art sales, annual Needham High School Art Scholarship Award were developed.
    • Over the years, NAA hosted exhibits of several hundred paintings each year in local businesses, art exhibitions and town events.
    • In the 1970’s, NAA members founded and ran the Art Center, a teaching Center and fine arts supply store on Highland Avenue.
    • In 1990, NAA established an Art Gallery on Chestnut Street, offering classes, exhibits and workshops.
    • The Association sponsored town celebrations of its 25th, 50th and 60th anniversaries. Approximately 50 presidents have served this Association.

We look forward to a 75th town celebration in 2024.

Needham Art Association, P.O. Box 322, Needham Heights, MA 02494